Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday's New York Times crossword puzzle solved: September 24, 2020















My time: 10:59, four minutes faster than average.

Theme: four clues are SPELLED OUT.  So "Kay, e.g." is actually K-E-G and is thus BEER BARREL.  "Elle, e.g." is L-E-G and so it's DRUMSTICK.  Then we have "Pea, e.g." which is a synonym CRIBBAGE MARKER and "Bee, e.g." which spells out a word that means PANHANDLE.

I had some wrong answers that held me back a lot in the north.  For "[Just... disappeared!]" I put *POOF but it's PFFT, which while sometimes used to mean "gone, just like that," usually means an expression of disdain, so PFFT to that!  And for "part of a necklace" I put *PEARL and stubbornly stuck with it for way too long, even though nothing made sense; it's CLASP.

Also, I wasn't sure how to spell LOOIE ("one whose charges are sarges").

DEB Fischer is a Republican senator from Nebraska.  She seems like that rare thing, a decent enough Republican.

ALTIPLANO is Spanish for "high plain," and refers to the Andean Plateau of Bolivia and Peru.

Never heard of body-positive plus-sized supermodel EMME, born Melissa Miller.  The name "Eminem" was already taken. 

The WNBA team the Minnesota LYNX have a record ten consecutive playoff appearances and won the WNBA title in 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017.

PRO-KEDS are a kind of sneaker.  I didn't know about the "pro" part.

I thought Provençal was a good guess for the language in which "hi, how are you" is "Salu, ce mei faci," but it didn't fit.  ROMANIAN was going to be my next guess!  Maybe.

I got GAUSS from the letters, but I would not have been able to come up with it from "magnetic induction unit" on a science test.

"Dry Spanish wine" RIOJA came up on June 16, 2018.

A lot of Spanish today.  Cabo has come up often in the puzzle, but today it's the peninsula it is located on, BAJA, that gets the spotlight.

Second-longest-serving Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court Roger TANEY was explained on October 5, 2018.

"Dancing with the Stars" judge LEN Goodman came up on April 16, 2018, but I had totally forgotten his existence.

Clever clues: "Land of Opportunity?" is MARS.  "Shake, as one's tail" is ELUDE.

Well, this puzzle deserves a ROBUST hooray!  The clues had me pleasantly stumped until that magic aha moment hit (it was when I was tutting, "What does PANHANDLE have to do with the letter B?  B, e.g.?  Oh, wait...").  No BAD VIBE from this puzzle for me.  And any puzzle that has Patrick O'BRIAN and LES PAUL is ay-oh-kay in my book.

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