Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday's New York Times crossword puzzle solved: September 25, 2020















My time: 8:26, a new record!  I beat the old record by 28 seconds, wow!

Lots of good cluing and interesting fill on this themeless Friday.   EXPERIMENTAL is admirably placed, and TURING TEST is unusual as well.  The internet's favorite show, "THE MANDALORIAN," is name-checked.  And "how a mysterious figure may disappear" is a fun clue for INTO THE NIGHT, but I kind of wish it had said Batman instead of mysterious figure.  But maybe, DON'T GET CUTE.

D-LIST is the lowest rating in showbiz generally, but the Ulmer Scale is a new one on me.  The Ulmer Scale is the film industry's premier method for tracking, measuring and ranking the star power of celebrated actors worldwide. 

RED BEAN paste, also called anko, is a paste made of boiled, sometimes sweetened, beans in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean cuisine.

I remembered, vaguely, reading in some book or other that someone described something in science as having a "plum-pudding model," but I had long forgotten what.  J.J. Thomson used it to describe the ATOM.

ETON is a crossword mainstay, but this is the first time it's ever been clued as "'Chariots of Fire' filming locale."

"Queen MAB" is a scherzo (a lively piece) from Hector Berlioz's choral symphony Romeo and Juliet.

I misread "ill" as "li'l" in a clue and wondered, "what the hell is a li'l OMEN?"  I need glasses.

Did you know the little toe is called the MINIMUS?  I'm going to try to use this as often as I can.

"Fantasy Focus" is a sports talk podcast show focusing on fantasy football, airing on ESPN radio.

The basketball term alley-OOP came up in July 2018, but this is the first time it's been referred to as an OOP, by itself.

Milan's Teatro alla SCALA last appeared in August 2018.

Clever clues:  "Keeps track of a count, maybe" is a rather roundabout way to get to UMPS.  "Deal breaker?" is NARC.  "High anxiety?" is ACROPHOBIA.  "Force feed" is RATIONS, as in what feeds a force.

And that closes a fun Friday puzzle!  I did it very quickly.  Time for a PRIDE PARADE!  Whoops, wrong kind.

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