Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thursday's New York Times crossword solved: July 16, 2020

My time: 8:55, just about a minute slower than my record!  Woot!

Theme: DARK ART ("witchcraft... or what each block of three black squares in this puzzle represents?").  From top to bottom, we have POISON D[art], [art]ICLE II ("part of the Constitution establishing the executive branch"), FLOWCH[art], and [Art]HUR DENT.  And down, it's [art]IFICIAL HE[art].

I was slowed by a couple of wrong answers.  For "caught" I put *NABBED but it's SNARED; for "sighting from a crow's nest" I put *SHIP but it's LAND.

Apparently I-80 crosses the Missouri River at OMAHA.  I'm not sure this is a Fact Worth Knowing.

George Eliot's real name was Mary ANN Evans according to this puzzle, although Wikipedia says it might be Mary Anne and she at one point called herself Marian.

JACOB DeGrom, Mets pitcher and Cy Young winner, has a fun last name, but that doesn't mean I'll remember him.

Clever clues: "Subpar performance?" is BIRDIE.  "Company with a great deal of advertising?" is GROUPON.

This was a good puzzle.  The theme was a cute TRICK.  It might have been better run on a Halloween but I'm not complaining.

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