Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday's New York Times crossword puzzle solved: July 17, 2020

My time: 13:01, four minutes faster than average and four minutes slower than my Friday record!

About today's puzzle I have so many questions.  Well, one main question.  Why a bear-like smiley face?  The answer, my friends, is blowing in the grid.

You have to admire the crazy grid-length fill, though: INTIMATE APPAREL (with the devilishly vague clue "slips, e.g."), STATE LEGISLATOR, AUTO PARTS STORES.

I guessed that the name EVE means "life," but I'm no Hebrew scholar!

For "home where the heart is?" I immediately put *TORSO, but unfortunately it's CHEST.  Missed it by that much.

I think I've vaguely heard of Joey Dee and the STARLITERS, but I had to have a lot of crossfill help before it clicked.

I'm not really sure why "one who might grade on the curve?" is ART TEACHER.  Does it mean the curve of a drawing model? 

It took a long time for me to understand why "backing" is PRO.  They're both adjectives meaning "being in favor of."

Brand-new piece of information: DESI, a term for the people and culture of the Indian subcontinent.

Tokyo-based air carrier ANA has come up before.

Clever clue: "Links things?" is CARTS.  That took me a while: it's golf carts.  "It forms at the mouth" is DELTA.  "Majors in acting" is LEE.

A fun puzzle.  The grid made me smile, although I wish there were some answer that tied in somehow.  Oh, well.  I had a good solve time today.  As a SOLO PERFORMER, it's my time to GLOAT.

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