Monday, July 20, 2020

Monday's New York Times crossword puzzle solved: July 20, 2020

My time: 4:56

Theme: sayings with a direction plus a prepositional phrase, as in RIGHT ON THE MONEY, LEFT IN THE LURCH, and so on.  I think FRONT OF THE LINE could have been clued in a more interesting or at least lucid way ("where someone who goes next is standing" — "next" is a relative term; I'm only next after the person in front of me).

"Responses to jokes" is HA-HAS.  Ugh.  And there's also a HEH in there.  Too much!

The Trojans are the team names for USC. Sports is boring.

"UPS competitor" DHL has come up before.

I got totally caught at the southwest corner.  For "metric meas. of speed" I put *KPS and as a result had *DISSY for "like good gossip" which definitely struck me as off, but still made sense, albeit slangily.

"Where Samson slew the Philistines" is LEHI.  He burned their crops, so they burned his wife and father-in-law, so he "smote them hip and thigh with a great slaughter."  Isn't that always the way?  The old typical feud story, one thing leading to another.

IN TRUTH, this wasn't a great Monday puzzle — just okay, not brilliant. 

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