Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday's New York Times crossword puzzle solved: November 20, 2020

My time: 10:38, five minutes faster than average.

CARE is an NGO headquartered in Geneva that fights to conquer world hunger.  Founded by Arthur Ringland and Dr. Lincoln Clark, CARE began as an amalgam of 22 charities agreeing to funnel food packages from Americans to loved ones in Europe. CARE stands for Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe. 

"Like presidents with Bibles, maybe."  SWORN IN.  Or posing in front of a church with a borrowed bible they're holding upside down, after dispersing a peaceful crowd with a show of physical force.

Never heard of the 2009 hit "Kiss Me THRU the Phone," unsurprisingly.  It is by someone named Soulja Boy Tellem.  "Kiss Me thru The Phone" was 2009's eighth best selling single with over 5.7 million copies sold worldwide.  Good Lord.

"Spanish opposite of odio" is AMOR.  That took me a bit; I initially thought odio might mean "odor."



ADIA Barnes is a women's basketball coach for the Arizona Wildcats.

"Little Rhody" is a nickname for Rhode Island.  That's the OCEAN STATE. 

German philosopher ERNST Bloch was a 20th-century Marxist thinker.  His greatest work, The Principle of Hope, tries to provide an encyclopedic account of mankind's and nature's orientation towards a socially and technologically improved future. 

In other German history, the second Chancellor of West Germany after Conrad Adenauer was Ludwig ERHART, from 1963-66.  He is known for leading the West German postwar "economic miracle" of as recovery as Minister of Economic Affairs. In his tenure as Chancellor, however, Erhard lacked support from Adenauer, who remained chairman of the party until 1966, and failed to win the public's confidence in his handling of a budget deficit and his direction of foreign policy. His popularity waned, and he resigned his chancellorship. 

I've never heard of the Italian dish saltimbocca, which consists consists of veal that has been lined, wrapped with prosciutto and SAGE, and then marinated in wine, oil, or saltwater, depending on the region or one's own taste.

IBANKERS last appeared on July 29.

On September 20, DARTS was clued as the game in which you start with 501 points, and today it's clued as "game in which the object is to end with zero points."

Clever clues: "Place name in Manhattan" is ASTOR, as in Astor Place, a one-block street in Manhattan.  'Digital identifiers" is TOE TAGS.  "Counter offer, for short?" is BLT.

That was a satisfying Friday puzzle.  TGIF, am I right?

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