Thursday, January 7, 2021

Thursday's New York Times crossword puzzle solved: January 7, 2021

My time: 10:05, five minutes faster than average.

Theme: STRIKE THAT, as in a text correction.  The four themed answers have the letter string t-h-a-t replaced with XXXX, or struck out.  The answers as they should be read, are: WI[th a t]WIST, DON'[t hat]E, DEA[th at] A FUNERAL, and FEL[t hat]S.

I don't really feel like going through the fill on this, the darkest day (so far) of America's political history since the Civil War.  This is what Fox News and Breitbart and enablism and Trumpism has brought us.  Moronic cosplayers physically attacking the most sacred institutions a democracy can have.  Thugs and looters, vandalizing and smashing, strutting and taking selfies like teenagers documenting their crime sprees.  Homegrown terrorists, grinning apes.  Handled gingerly by police after literally fighting them (I guess "back the blue" is just a meaningless chant to these creeps), and being sent home safely.  They may come back tomorrow with rifles.  Hey, if you're a Trump supporter, do me a favor and please fuck right off and then keep fucking off and die, please, okay?

I may come back and edit this later.  Or not.  It's still a free country.  For now.

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