Saturday, September 5, 2020

Saturday's New York Times crossword puzzle solved: September 5, 2020















My time: 18:45, just two minutes faster than average.  Lots of wrong first tries on this one.

The northwest corner was the last to go because for the hymn "Glorify THY Name" I put *HIS, and for the crossing "scope" I put *WIDTH and then *DEPTH, but it's AMBIT.

I knew "part of Kamala Harris' ancestry" was Indian, so I tentatively put *INDIA; I didn't know it was TAMIL.

"New York football team, to fans" is G-MEN?  Really??  Yes, really.  Ugh.

Whenever it says "country singer Tillis" you never know if it's going to be Mel or his daughter PAM.

For "not-so-hard pill to swallow" I put *CAPLET and that kept the going pretty slowly in the southwest corner; it's GELCAP.  Also, for "zip" I stayed with *NIL for too long, but it's PEP.

Today's clue hardly anyone knew: South African playwright ATHOL Fugard!  Now that's a name.  He is best known for his political plays opposing the system of apartheid and for the 2005 Oscar-winning film of his novel Tsotsi.

For "option for expressing grievances" I wanted to put ombudsman but it didn't fit.  OPEN LETTER is the way of the aggrieved professor.

I had no idea what "picks, in football" was.  It's INTS.  That means... [quickly Googles] an interception is sometimes called a pick?  I have never heard that.

"Olympic pursuit" is MEDAL HUNT?  Does anyone say that?

I'm probably one of the very few people in America who already knew what "brachiocephalic" meant, but I've never heard of the "brachiocephalic trunk."  It's the artery that supplies blood to the right side of the torso.  Its source is the AORTA.

Clever clues: "Stopping point?" is DIME.  "Spot at a movie theater" doesn't refer to physical location but a spot as in an ad spot: TEASER TRAILER.  "Calves come from them" is BERGS.

This one was something of a challenge, but coming in under par is always good.  I feel TOUGHENED UP for Sunday.

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